Friday, August 26, 2016

Little moments

This week my husband started his one year Master's Program in Screen Scoring at USC which is code for: I'll be doing this raising kids thing basically by myself for the next 9 months.  I've been SO excited for him and absolutely terrified for myself.   

Side note: We had to live in different states for about 6 months last year and trying to raise my 2 year old while finishing out my third trimester (and then had a newborn thrown into the mix) was a mixture of the worst and best moments of my life.  In all honesty, it was mostly the worst with a few random best moments.  I have no idea how you single parents and military families do it.  Really, I have SOO much respect for you!  There were many days I wasn't sure we'd all make to bed alive.  Anyway, back to my original thought...

The worst thing (and as you'll see in a second, really was NOT that bad) that happened this week was my attempt to eat lunch at Costco with the girls.  It was a normal meal with one kid needing food cut, another kid needing small pieces of my food to gum, and me shoving food in my mouth as fast as possible so I could have a mostly hot meal.  I was thinking to myself, "Hey, I'm rocking this mom thing right now!" when a huge gust of wind came up and blew the beloved churro off the table and onto the ground.  We obviously still ate it because I was NOT waiting in line for another 10 minutes to get a different one.  Pretty sure it was a moment similar to this that the 10 second rule was created. And that's it people.  That was the worst thing that happened this week.

So tonight after kids had baths and we were hanging out on my bed watching a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I started reflecting on how not-bad this week was.  Don't get me wrong, it was a normal week with plenty of tantrums, fighting over toys, and multiple moments where all I wanted was 5 minutes of peace.  But as I watched my oldest singing along and doing the hot dog dance, I couldn't help but smile and feel my cup running over.  Some people think we're crazy (and probably irresponsible) for having kids during school like we did.  And frankly, sometimes I think we were crazy too!  But it's little moments like tonight that remind me what a blessing children are in our lives.  I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who entrusted me with 2 of his beautiful daughters and hope that someday we can be entrusted with more.  It's these little moments that I want to make sure to record because I know that not all weeks will go this well and I'll need to remember my thoughts and feelings from tonight to help me push through.  Many days I feel like I'm faking it until I make it...but that's a post for another day.

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